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School PLan 2024-2025

Blogging has not been easy for the past years, but I found it fun to still document some significant events 12th Grade: Big Sis Focus this year: college prep! Bible: study of Daniel with mom Math: On her own pre-calc/calc English: Analyzing and Interpreting Literature (CLEP) History: American History II ( Guesthollow ) Foreign Language: Mandarin (Integrated Chinese vol 4) Economics: CLEP Microeconomics/Macroeconomics Health: Total Health 10th Grade: Lil Sis Focus this year: Writing Bible: study of Daniel with mom Math: Geometry  (I got the printed workbook to make things easier) Science: No science this year English: Analyzing and Interpreting Literature (CLEP), grammar and writing from Excelsior U , reading/writing from history  Social Studies: Whirlwind History ( Guesthollow ) Foreign Language: Korean Health:  Total Health 7th Grade: Baby Sis Bible: Part of history English: Rod and Staff, kumon Math: PreAlgebra (Chalkdust), kumon Social Studies: Ancient Egypt , Ancient Greek Science:
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First Day School 2024-2025

  Yay for the first day of school 2024-2025!! Big sis gave little surprises for her siblings donuts started to be a tradition 2 years back Where we do school had a HUGE upgrade since last year. This is the girls' room, everyone has a desk. SOME of the school books in the corner shelf Most of the younger ones' school is still done here. And the materials on the top shelf above my table.

School Plan 2023-2024

 This year I graduated a student and inaugurate another (report wise, anyway) and it's such a bittersweet experience. Big Bro will be a freshman at City College, majoring in Sonic Arts. It's an exciting new season for us! Here is our plan for the year. 11th Grade: Big Sis Bible: BSF Math: College Algebra (Clep prep), SAT prep English: Some assignments from Am Hist, and also SAT prep Science: a break this year! History: American History I ( Guesthollow ) Foreign Language: Mandarin (Integrated Chinese) Govt: Government ( Guesthollow ) We will do the Econs and Personal Finance next year 9th Grade: Lil Sis We have another highschooler in the house! Bible: BSF Math: Algebra II ( Algebrawithinreach , intermediate) Science: Chemistry (Jay Wile, with VHSG) English: Assignments from Geography, and Kumon worksheets Social Studies: World Geography and Cultures ( Guesthollow ) Foreign Language: Korean 6th Grade: Baby Sis Bible: BSF English: Rod and Staff, kumon Math: Singapore Math, kumon

2022-2023 Weeks 23-25

These few weeks we did quite a bit! For History, we talked about the partitioning of different countries, the Suez Canal crisis, Marshall Plan, two republic of China, communism in Asia, and Argentina. We played a game, Search for Evita and I'm rather proud of it. And we finished the read-aloud Lil Sis is in Mod 11 of her Bio class! Also, Big Bro attended a program by Carnegie Hall (B-side) on Music Business. It was quite a hoot! For Kindergarten we learnt about Penguin, Kangaroo and zebra Game from Home Depot kit We have quite a few penguin stuff at home! We learnt about why penguins can live in sub-zero environment And we talked about the egg-carrying penguins. haha. What he drew on the board... And we went to a Children's Museum! Pita pocket for Kangaroo! We didn't expect this. but this was fun! Pocket, his bear, was a kangaroo for a day This was fun! He didn't have space everyone in the family!!! hahahah... He LOVED the diorama. DEFINITELY have to do more This was in

2022-2023 Weeks21-22

 These two weeks we learnt about the WWII. I love these maps from Homeschool in the Woods We watched videso on some of the wars This on the home front kit was a great add too. We started reading aloud Corrie Ten Boom This is on the pacific theatre K-rations. I told the girls of the rations my dad brought back when in his army days (my dad was a full-time military man in Singapore). We made some WWII ration recipes. Mashed potato soup, weiner casserole, condensed milk raisin cake. The little one learnt about H-Horse and E-Elephant Gerald is our mascot this week, of course! CHINESE NEW YEAR We celebrated Chinese New Year this year. And we made some STEM toys for Baby Sis' science, but also just for fun.