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Showing posts from April, 2016

Preschool 2015/2016: SPRING

We are learning about spring in April. It was really fun!! Can't wait for August to do an unit on summer. We read these books FUN FOODS Lemon curd tartlets Bunny roll .. I KNOW I KNOW. it's more like a pig or mouse... Will try again... Dirt cups FUN STUFF Soda Bottle Prints Fun Dandelion pencil top. (Got it from a craft book) LOVE this garland This was fun sorting . We loved the book "Quiet Bunny's Many colors". I made worksheets for her and also we did a fork Dandelion art. Spring Play dough!! More ideas here Big Sis colored the pictures with watercolor pencils and Baby Sis paint over without mess. I love this ! Hatching chick ! Footprint Bunny Toilet roll Bunny Stamps Wind sock Build a bug Build a Flower Tissue paper flower Rain Clouds Origami Bunny and Cherry Blosso...

Looking Back on our 2015-2016 School Year

In my opinion, every year that went by with the children accelerates a little and my heart breaks a little. There are parents who cannot wait for their kids to grow up and there are others who yearn to tug at every bit of their time and hope it will tarry a little more. I belong to the latter. The time with the children is SO precious!! These are the things I really enjoyed this year and some I did not or would do differently. YAY! Stuff Calendar Time I like the system we used for Little Sis and I think this calendar time made a HUGE difference to her understanding of Math concepts. Anatomy and Astronomy I know some parents found this tedious, but we REALLY enjoyed the learning of the human body through the models this year. I experienced a deep sense of AMAZEMENT in learning about how God created us and the incredible universe. I never knew I would enjoy the study of astronomy so much. History and Story of the World I am dreadfully unfamiliar with this part of ...