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We are on the sourdough wagon! Thanks to the starter shared by my brother-in-law, we are off to an easier start. I experimented with several methods (no-knead and knead) and recipes, and in the end I gleaned the wisdom of a few people and here is my way of doing sourdough bread now, with a slightly more consistent result. This starter has been in the fridge for half a week. You can see from the hooch (the liquid) that it needs feeding. I take it out 6-8 hours before I want to start making the dough. Sometimes I may feed the dough (using the method below), let it rise, dump out most starter but 113g (Recently I used 50% rye for my new starter and I only use 75g of beginner starter, not 113g), just to get it active again. I stir the hooch in, and discard all but 4 oz ( 113g, or 75g  see above) of starter. Then I added 100g of flour (I have been adding 50% of more nutritious flour like rye or whole wheat for my new starter)  and 100 g of water. Because my recipe...

Highschool 9th Grade Week 5

Week 5 Big Bro did another argumentative essay based on Job. He finished the reading of Genesis and started the book Cat of Bubastes. He does not like historical fiction, so this is a stretch. But I feel that ancient history is a stretch to him and my goal for him this year is to learn things even when they are hard to learn. He is doing very very well organizing his schedule and planning his time. He did conscientious work even though they are not easy material for him. For Biology, he finished Module 3 on Kingdom Protista (another difficult topic) Last module on Kingdom Monera (Bacteria), we tried to do a bacteria culture, using agar. Before culture 1 week later. I am a bit disappointed to have not found much difference. But, oh well. He also looked through some prepared slides for the experiments in Module 3. We tried using the phone to take pictures of the microscope slides. They turned out exceedingly well. This helps a lot with the observation for...

CtG Week 5: Mummies and Pyramids

This week we learnt about... ...mummies and the process of mummification ...The great pyramids ...memorizing the Old Testament books Bible We memorized the old testament books this week. English from the Roots Up Until now we have learnt these words (using the quizlet app) biblios photos graph tele metron sauros History This was an interesting history week! We learnt about the mummies and played a fun interactive game . and we made mummies hot dogs! =) (using crescent dough) We learnt about the Great Pyramids. We used sugar cubes to build a pyramid We drew pyramids using the 1 or 2 pt perspective . And we drew King Tut. We also watched the really interesting videos on King Tut's tomb . This is Baby Sis' notebook. Big Sis and Lil Sis also wrote notebook pages. Science This was one of the few Science experiments we did. We learnt about reflection, absorption, and transmission of light. Because of reflection, t...