Anyhows, here are what we'll do:
* collect rocks (hopefully we'll find some around...) Or I might have to buy some.
* learning about the Wise man/foolish man (and review the song?)
* what floats? experiment
* make a volcano (baking soda and red vinegar our of clay mountain) or lavalite
* Make Rock cookies and talk about minerals. A good resource and recipe here
Books we have (not much too)
Let's Go Rock Collecting by Roma Gans
I Love Rocks by Cari Meister
Pebble, Susan Milord
Stone Soup, Marcia Brown
He alone is my rock. He is the One who saves me. He is like a fort to me. I will always be secure. Ps 62:2
惟 獨 他 是 我 的 磐 石 、 我 的 拯 救 . 他 是 我 的 高 臺 . 我 必 不 很 動 搖 詩篇62:2
I love seeing your plans followed by the results! Have a great weekend.