Yes. Summer is here. Shown by the fact we're finished with school (Kindergarten for Ian). Also shown by the rise in temperature. So what are we doing for summer besides lazing around? *Lots of playground time and outdoor time. Time to practice cycling and scootering! *Make home-made bubbles *Water play in balcony *Going to the library *READING! (yeah! I'm trying to come up with a list of fun books to read together, besides finishing up a few of Little House on the Prairie series) *Drawing *Making some crafts MAYBE (at least for the girls) *Butterfly farm!! (yeah! They are arriving end June) *Church Retreat *Visit to New Hampshire, a friend's place *Maybe visit to the city when daddy has half day Fridays off For mommy, I have my own plans too *Read and prepare for MFW 1st grade *Research and plan for Exploration Days *Research on Character Building/Bible materials *Research and make preschooler busy bags *Spring cleaning (almost done)