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MFW CtG/K Week 7: A-a Apples/Abraham

4th/2nd Grade Creation to the Greeks

Ten Commandments:

I am the LORD your shall have no other gods before me.
You shall not make for yourself an idol.


  • Memorized the 2nd commandment and revised the past memory verses. (I think we're more disciplined this year in the memorization)
  • We learnt about Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot and Abraham, Promise and birth of Isaac
  • And we learnt about the ancient writings of the hieroglyphics
Books we read this week


  • Water and Air: Floating Experiment

Water as Liquid

Water as solid (expansion)

Wax as liquid

Wax as solid (contraction)

Big Sis worked on addition, subtraction and measurement of length this week.
Big Bro worked very hard on fractions.


  • Big Bro continued to learn about sentences and learnt to write some long and short sentences
  • Big Sis learnt about nouns this week
  • Spelling Power for Big Bro
  • Spelling by Sight and Structure for Big Sis
  • We also learnt the Greek word "tropos" and did our English from the Roots Up notebook page. We also revised the past words. 
  • We finished "All of a kind family" (REALLY like this book a lot!)and per demand of kids, we started Treasures of the Snow even though it's not supposed to be in the plan yet.

Asked Big Sis to arrange her spelling words in alphabetical order (from Z to A)

Foreign Language

We started on 康軒一上. The kids LOVE Chinese this year. Look how colorful the books are!!

We also started to use flashcards for vocabulary practice. I do them myself.


The kids drawing to Vivaldi's Summer.

Learning to shade

Drawing hieroglyphics.

    Have you wondered?
    • How is a well built? (The kids were quite surprised that water can be found underground!)
    • How do you steal wells? (as in Isaac's wells were stolen) They were filled in again.
    Kindergarten: A-a Apple
    This week I put two laminated rounds on the cups to make it clearer. It helps!

    Lower case "a" apple art

    Cuisenaire rods

    Apple patterns

    Little Sis says "SUGAR!" hahaha...

    We read this book and made apple tree seasons

    Sometimes we deviate from Apples and do workbooks instead.

    Handwriting practice

    A Book

    Vowel song!
    Made individual apple crisps and we did the real apple crumble pie too
    And of course we HAD to read "How to make an apple pie and see the world"

    Read A and Apples books

    Watched some fun Apple videos (including half of Johnny Appleseed video)
    And made some Johnny Appleseed pages

    A Book

    Homeschooling Ideas
    One of the first questions people ask me after knowing I homeschool ALL (yes, they often emphasize that as if I own a whole farm of them...and yes it does feel that way sometimes) of my kids is: What do you do with your baby?

    Yup. Indeed. What does the baby (toddler) do when her brother and sisters are doing school (now that she doesn't nap in the morning...she hasn't done so for almost a year now)?

    Come on. Don't all of your toddlers do this?


    Or this?

    Drawing and writing with such joy.

    Or this?

    Silently engaging in intellectual pursuits.

    I'm sure you can identify with these too.

    Once your school is done, your house is basically clean too and you can sit on the sofa with a cuppa.

    No? What is wrong with you!??!?!


    Ya. No. Here too.

    See...some of the times my toddler can be involved somehow in some non-destructive play and engagement of her own interest. And I sit and admire my work of discipline quickly rush to finish what I need to do with my older ones before the moment of peace flew by.

    Other times, many times, we have a toddler who whines about the door being closed, needs a snack, wants my attention, or is extremely distressed by her shriveled up fingers after playing with the running faucet (yes I do, leave a trickle, so I can have 10 minutes of school) for too long.
    Or sometimes she would be running behind our backs (which I have no idea how or why since there are SO many pairs of eyes available) and start using scissors to destroy the school work, or draw an entire cartouche of hieroglyphic pictures on her arms.

    And sometimes we enjoy the peace so much, I would raise my head in utter horror "She has been too quiet in the room for TOO LONG!!!! QUICK! Go see if the room is intact!!"

    We attempt to put out toys, or drawing materials (but sometimes taken away after 2 minutes because she eats the crayons), or books, or whatever that catches her attention, and I try to do school in snippets of 5, or 10 minutes. Then once the kindergartener is done (which is much faster than the others), I would lovingly cajole her to go play with the littlest.

    Whatever it is, we try what we can. And we enjoy what we have. This is the season we are in, short as it is.

    I pray every morning God gives me a gentle and meek spirit to face the loveliest people on earth while I step into the most honorable role I'll ever be in in my life.

    And I march out of my room in courage. And this day (no matter what happens yesterday) is a new one!

    Pinterest Page for CtG
    Pinterest Page for Kindergarten
    Booklist for CtG
    Booklist for Kindergarten


    1. Great post! The toddler part was humorous! I can relate- mine are 6, 3 and 10 months!


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