For fun, this was how this family of 7 (kids aged 2-15) living in a 900 sq ft apartment in NYC lived this particular day in June. In many ways it was a good representation of our days. Yet, it was also unique. =)
5:30am I woke. Had my devotions. Usually I would wake at 6am.
6:00am Some big kids went out for a jog. This is a new thing for them.
7am The kids were home and some were working on their school.
Sometimes they would be listening to audiobooks, working on their projects etc.
Wee Bro woke (he usually wakes earlier). He had his milk (and today, Moo moo "drinks" with him).
Usually Big Sis prepares the milk for him.
7:15am Wee Bro LOVES to help me with breakfast. He would hear me cracking eggs and come running in.
7:40am Breakfast with everyone
8:15am Clean up. Devotions Time. Everyone have their own time with God. Everyday one would sit with Wee Bro for his "devotions" and also to take care of him. He loves this time.
8:30am School starts on that same table we had breakfast on. Today we're learning about the Punic Wars. I do school with the girls.
Daddy "goes to work" in our room. He has been working from home since March.
Big Bro does his 10th grade work on his own.
In the mean time... Wee Bro tears down the house. He fends for himself most of the time during school. And that means, we get some chaos, some whining, some feeding, and a lot of cleaning up at times. But he is also independent at times!
10:15am Today at this time we are doing art.
Some read-aloud happens. (Quarantine means e-books)
Or foreign language
Big Sis works on biology, writing, English, and Math on her own. You can see she does an amazing job.
School is usually done by 11am.
11:26am Lunch prep. Today is a little late. Again, Wee Bro deems himself the indispensable helper.
Then we have lunch. Since this is a special time, daddy is at home with us for all meals and WE LOVE IT. During lunch time, we facetime my ILs.
After that Wee Bro took a nap (12:30pm) I took a nap. This is quiet time. The others did some work, played some games, read, and other things they do when their mommy naps.
Sometimes I would take an indoor walk with Big Sis after I wake up.
2:48pm Wee Bro woke. Tea Time! Today's snack is rice pudding.
Afternoon is a lot of free time.
3:23pm They may play some ipad games(they have a certain allocated time that they spread out throughout the week), draw, read, play games, etc. Today I finish up the read-aloud we didn't finish in the morning.
Or one may play the guitar.
They are such good help with Wee Bro. This is Big Sis singing to him.
Big Bro may use the afternoon time to work on his own projects. He has a fantastic youtube channel which I am super proud of.
4:20pm At some point dinner needs to be cooked. The older 3 would take turns taking care of Wee Bro while I prep. Sometimes the girls may help me with dinner. But ALWAYS, ALWAYS, Wee Bro helps with cooking rice (if we are cooking it)
Daddy is working hard
After I prep dinner, I may spend some time with this little one.
And again, another may play the piano.
5:30pm We have dinner and facetime with my mom in Singapore.
After dinner, we clean up, relax, and sometimes watch videos.
7:00pm Wee Bro has his shower and get ready for bed.
He has his milk and go to bed (but does not fall asleep right away)
The older 3 usually stay up to 7:30-7:45pm (later during vacation days) before they hit the sack.
Then mommy and daddy clean up, do work, spend couple time etc.
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